
When I started thinking about how I was spending every day, I realized that there were a few issues that were causing extra stress in my life. For starters, I realized that it was really difficult for me to relax, so I took up smoking. I realized that it was a fun way to get to know new people and to slow down a little bit, and it was really interesting to see how much of a difference my new habit made in my life. This blog is here to help people to learn more about smoking and taking things one day at a time.

2 Reasons To Make Your Own Vape Juice

13 October 2017
 Categories: Smoking, Blog

Making your own e-liquid or vape juice is becoming increasingly popular among individuals that utilize vape pens or e-cigarettes, mostly due to the fact that making your own vape juice is a great way to customize your vaping experience to your exact tastes and requirements. Listed below are two reasons to make your own vape juice. It Allows You To Experiment With Flavor Combinations One of the most popular reasons to make your own vape juice is that it allows you to experiment with flavor combinations. Read More …

Need To Pass A Drug Test? How To Help Remove THC From Your Urine

27 September 2017
 Categories: Smoking, Blog

The use of marijuana for medicinal or recreational purposes is legal in many states. However, employers are still able to drug test new employees or existing employees for this drug and pass on a job offer or fire someone who tests positive for having THC in their urine. THC can remain in the urine for up to two months, but most tests only pick up on it when used within the past 10 to 30 days. Read More …

Restricted From Smoking While You Drive Your Taxi? Consider Using A Vape Instead

17 September 2017
 Categories: Smoking, Blog

When you work as a taxi driver, you often have to be in the vehicle for hours on end. Many taxi companies have restrictions that their drivers are not allowed to smoke in the taxies. If you are a smoker, this can create a difficult situation for you. Fortunately, smoking a vaporizer can allow you to get the nicotine your body craves without leaving a pungent smell in the car. The guide below walks you through a few tips to use to ensure that you get the right vape for you: Read More …